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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 31, Issue 2, pp. 231-465

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Stability of Relative Equilibria in the Problem of N+1 Vortices

H. E. Cabral and D. S. Schmidt

pp. 231-250

A Comprehensive Mathematical Model for a Multispecies Flow Through Ground Coffee

A. Fasano and F. Talamucci

pp. 251-273

Analysis and Construction of Optimal Multivariate Biorthogonal Wavelets with Compact Support

Bin Han

pp. 274-304

The Influence of Lateral Boundary Conditions on the Asymptotics in Thin Elastic Plates

Monique Dauge, Isabelle Gruais, and Andreas Rössle

pp. 305-345

On Transitions to Stationary States in a Maxwell--Landau--Lifschitz--Gilbert System

Patrick Joly, Alexander Komech, and Olivier Vacus

pp. 346-374

On the Solution of a Linear Homogeneous Difference Equation with Variable Coefficients

Ranjan K. Mallik

pp. 375-385

On the Continuation of an Invariant Torus in a Family with Rapid Oscillations

Carmen Chicone and Weishi Liu

pp. 386-415

Directional and Time-Scale Wavelet Analysis

Rob A. Zuidwijk

pp. 416-430

A Geometric Approach to Singularly Perturbed Nonlocal Reaction-Diffusion Equations

Amitabha Bose

pp. 431-454

Nonexistence of Star-Supported Spline Bases

Peter Alfeld and Larry L. Schumaker

pp. 455-465